Speciality Couplings

Although Smartflow can source most type of end connections and have their own range of industry standard dry break couplings, we realise that sometimes the customer will require something a little different. With our in-house design team we can always look into specific requirements, such as couplings for unusual geometries, exotic materials or even a complete new idea. We are experienced in offering solutions both on site and generating new designs, so get in touch to discuss your problem and we can talk it through.


Design Projects

Smartflow have knowledge and experience in the world of hose and flexible pipe connections, so can offer design and consultancy services to manufacturers or companies requiring expertise in this market. Smartflow can provide concept and feasibility design reports, detailed design services as well as manufacture and testing of end connections. Of course each situation is different, so to find out how we can help you or just talk through your project please CONTACT US.